- For any number of performers and any instrument.
- The score can be read and performed in any manner the performer wishes.
- One possible approach is: recall every memory of leaves that you can.
- Remember new leaves, old leaves, dry leaves, familiar leaves, foreign leaves.
- Remember all the smells of leaves, remember all the textures, all the colours.
- Remember all the sounds of leaves.
- Remember all these memories at the same time.
- Without thinking begin to play.
- This score can be performed by listening.
- A deep awareness of the performer's surroundings and the soundscape is suggested
- This score can be performed aurally, visually. kinesthetically, synesthetically, interactively, literally, symbolically, or philosophically.
- This score is performed by being regarded, and can be performed in all manners simultaneously.
- This score does not need to be performed to be performed.
- This score is being performed constantly.