Five Winds
- For any number of performers and any instrument.
- Whole note with arrow on either side of each segment indicates that any pitch can be used to play segment and that segment can be read in either direction.
- This score can be performed in any manner the performer wishes, including aurally, visually. kinesthetically, synesthetically, interactively, literally, symbolically, or philosophically.
- It can also be read from right to left or left to right, and pitch may or may not be interpreted vertically.
- A deep awareness of the performer's surroundings and the soundscape is suggested.
- This score can be read by a single performer.
- Play top segment from left to right slowly, then right to left quickly, and continue by playing each segment in the same manner until done.
- This score can be read by five performers.
- Each performer starts with a different segment, playing simultaneously. Each performer plays each segment in both directions until finished.
- This score can be performed in all manners simultaneously.
- This score is performed by being regarded, and does not need to be performed to be performed.